The Power of Data

Published December 03, 2015
power of data

Your business travelers are often in their own silos — meeting with prospects, servicing existing accounts. But what if your individual team members could see how their travel choices matched up to company’s policies before they click the “Book It” button? What if your employees could see how their travel spend measured up to fellow employees?

In fact, sharing benchmark data can make a much larger difference than saving a few bucks on a handful of advanced purchases — this type of data can teach travelers how to stay within travel policy.

  • “How does my trip compare to my colleagues?”
  • “Why is my trip more expensive than the average?”
  • “Where can I improve on what I’m spending?”

ExpenseWire is an online expense management system that easily reinforces the rules and settings for your organization. In advance you can set up:

  • Users and the rules and limits for each individual, or by user groups
  • Who are the approvers
  • What are the approved currencies for expenses
  • What kind of expenses are allowed
  • What amount requires a receipt

The power of this data takes the guessing game out of expense management.

To learn more about online expense management, watch our free webinar.