Tackle Your Expense Risks Throughout the Holidays

Published November 24, 2015
tackle expense risks

The Aberdeen Group found that 33 percent of respondents lack control of spend. For example, the average cost for a business trip is $965 for domestic, and $2,398 for international travel.


  • Airfare is just under $450 round trip
  • Car rental is around $50 a day
  • Hotel room is around $150 for a one-night stay

Add to that a steak dinner with your client, and you're looking at a high travel and entertainment expense report.

The best safeguard your company has against out-of-control spending is to create a policy, and then integrate it into your online expense management system. In this way, your employees know:

  • Where to make travel arrangements and by what date
  • How to pay for it
  • What can be expensed and at what amount

With ExpenseWire, the policies are updated and applied in real time. A literal red flag appears on the expense report if there is a violation. This helps enforce the policy, eliminate exceptions, and improve visibility.

To learn more about online expense management, watch our free webinar.