Customized Employee Expense Reporting

Published March 24, 2016
customized employee expense reporting

The need to control expenses is a rising concern of today's business managers.

With travel and entertainment becoming one of the largest areas of spending, controlling your mobile employees is essential. Unfortunately in many cases it often goes unmanaged, giving business travelers the freedom to spend at will. At the same time, the overhead involved in submitting and processing tedious, paper-based expense reports − plus tracking and reporting for tax and regulatory compliance − drains productivity throughout the organization.

You can provide an efficient method for submitting expense reports with a convenient, intuitive solution. A Web-based expense management system gives your employees the ability to scan, upload, fax, or use the mobile interface to submit expenses.

A comprehensive expense system should integrate with:

  • Personal and corporate credit cards.
  • Travel platform service providers.
  • Accounting and payroll systems.

In addition, you should be able to:

  • Export CSV or XML files.
  • Access hundreds of configuration settings and custom fields.

Take control of your organization's expenses, ensure compliance with company policy, and reduce spending − all online, with a customized employee expense reporting solution. Learn more, here.